Access Occupants via their Business Type
First part select Business Type / Street
Either select a classified business type from the drop down menu or enter a part business type into the box provided. Then click continue. Selecting a street confines the search to business types in that street.
Note – choosing a classified business type and entering a part business type means that the selected occupants have to appear in both lists and there may be no results.
To reset a drop down selection choose its first line.
It might seem that the normal way to find an occupant of a business premise would be by the occupant’s name. To do this, use the occupants section of this site. Remembering a pub by a given landlord’s name might be quite difficult and not knowing the name presents a real problem at this point.
To overcome this problem, see a list of occupants by selecting their trade or type of business, in a specific street if required. People of a certain age can now find Mr Raynor’s pie shop far more easily.
Businesses often describe themselves in different ways. On a simple level this might be butcher, butchers, butchering, pork butcher, etc. We have decided to keep these original trades where possible. In this vein we have references to shoemaker and boot maker, but cordwainer had almost ceased to exist by the mid 1800’s when most of our records begin; the last ‘cord wainer’ was Samuel Fieldsend in New Street circa 1856.
To resolve the issue of multiple trade descriptions, we have created our own business classification alongside the original trade and the 1100+ trade/business types have been streamlined to just over 80 classified business types.